Last night Casey watched the Mets beat the Astros at his first baseball game ever, and one of the last at the old Shea Stadium. Not so happy on the ride there, but an Oreo turned that right around. A fun night was had by all. Casey was a handful, but Daddy had alot of help from the girls (thank god)(thanks blake & jessy).... He ate Oreos, chicken fingers & fries (which he burned his tongue on), then some Italian Ice, to cool his tongue. He didn't eat all of the ice and Uncle Milky had to eat the rest... He loved yelling "Hit the ball" at the players, which was kinda funny.
This morning he still had his Mets shirt on and refused to take it off. He loves "Batball" as he calls it. If you think about it, it's a more accurate name for the sport.
Adding to the funfactor, the game was attended by many of my cowrokers. Casey proceeded to "Spagett" them all
Very tired on the way home, he watched Blue's Clues then fell asleep in 5 minutes